新版本超任模拟器,新版变动如下 :
* New GUI using framebuffer for sub screen
* Better human interface, improved file selector (alphabetical sorted), buttons, check boxes, multi choose zones, etc.
* New GUI supports joypad (joypad is not supported when emulator is running however).
* Multi language support (more than 10 supported, including katakan japanese !)
* Memory pak support (Opera RAM, Slot 2 card reader, etc. using libram) with paging or with large ROM mapping
* Scaling with pseudo bi-linear filtering and sprites squishing : full screen scaling (like snezzids), half scaling (half scaled and without sprites squishing), and no scaling (classic snemulds mode)
* Autiomatic SRAM saving when needed
* Some other bugfixes and improvements in GUI
主要是加入了对主屏幕的界面缓存功能,还有非常出色的人机界面,新的界面还支持了手机,支持记忆卡包(Memory pak ),自动保存SRAM,和一些BUG的修正,各位想在NDS上玩到超任游戏的话,这是目前不错的选择。