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未传之书 2

未传之书 2



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  • 未传之书 2 截图 2
  • 未传之书 2 截图 3
  • 未传之书 2 截图 4
  • 未传之书 2 截图 5
  • 未传之书 2 截图 6
  • 未传之书 2 截图 7
  • 未传之书 2 截图 8
  • 未传之书 2 截图 9
  • 未传之书 2 截图 10
  • 未传之书 2 截图 11
  • "A few years have passed since our heroes heroically defeated the arch-witch Mortroga. And their lives, like the lives of most people in Aventásia, are still in turmoil. The War of the Two Towers is over, but the wounds it left upon the land are still bleeding.

    The gnome Wilbur Weathervane is struggling with his new job as a teacher at the reopened School for Wizardry and Witchcraft. His magic wand is having a mind of its own and an assassination plot against the arch-mage overshadows the first democratic elections in Seastone.

    Faced with political intrigues that threaten the delicate balance of peace, Wilbur is in dire need of his old friends. But the elf princess Ivo and the adventurer Nate have, after a brief romantic interlude, gone their separate ways.

    Ivo has returned to her gilded cage in the elf kingdom, overprotected by her controlling mother.

    Nate along with his trusty companion Critter has been taken prisoner on the flying island of his arch-enemy the Red Pirate.

    But fate does not rest. A darkness has fallen upon the land, or rather, a pinkness. A magic force is turning mighty beasts into fluffy plush puppies and towering castles into oversized dollhouses. Can Aventásia be saved?"
    • 无病毒
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    养成 传奇 冒险 模拟

