Released in 1990 and one of the NEOGEO’s earliest signature games, this side-scrolling platformer mixes action with the mystical world of fantasy. A magician named Elta, last descendant of the famed Magician Lord, takes on an epic adventure to save the world from the evil Gul-Agieze. Elta must battle through eight stages, collecting the eight tomes of power that are the key to defeating Gul-Agieze and his evil plans. By obtaining orbs in one of three colors (elements) that appear during the progress of the game, Elta’s offensive powers and jumping abilities can be strengthened. The effect varies considerably depending on the combination of elements though, and Elta can transform into six different forms (Waterman, Dragon Warrior, Shinobi, Samurai, Raijin, or Poseidon). Can you help Elta to become the new Magician Lord?This classic game is part of the Virtual Console service, which brings you great games created for consoles such as NES?, Super NES? and Game Boy? Advance.See more Virtual Console games for Wii.